Xiamen's taro buns and peanut soup



Adam: Li Mei, one of my friends recommended that I try one of Xiamen's signature taro buns, but what do you know about them?

亚当: 李梅,一个朋友推荐我尝尝厦门芋包,你了解它吗?


Li Mei: Everything! After all, I''m from Xiamen and I love local snacks.

李梅: 那是当然的!毕竟我是厦门本地人,我喜欢本地小吃。


Adam: Great, so tell me more.

亚当: 太棒了。你能给我介绍一下吗?


Li Mei: Taro buns are a typical Xiamen snack that look as yummy as they taste. For older local residents, taro buns are a staple food for celebrating the New Year, just like jiaozi for northerners.

李梅: 芋包是具有代表性的厦门小吃,色香味俱全,老一辈厦门人过年必吃的,就像北方人过年一定要吃饺子一样。


Adam: What's the difference between taro buns and other buns?

亚当: 芋包和其他包子有什么不同吗?


Li Mei: The bun itself is made from a mix of mashed areca taro and tapioca. Typical fillings include dried bamboo shoots, pork, shitake mushrooms and shrimp. They're usually served with a sweet chili sauce or a satay sauce.


李梅: 芋包的皮是用捣碎的槟榔芋与木薯粉和出来的,馅儿料则有笋干、猪肉、香菇、虾仁等等,佐以甜辣酱、沙茶酱等,味道更好。


Adam: There are so many tasty dishes to try. My mouth is watering.

亚当: 厦门的美食实在太多了,让人忍不住流口水。


Li Mei: You may also want to try peanut soup, which has a sugary flavor and pairs perfectly with taro buns.

李梅: 你还可以试试花生汤。花生汤味道甜而不腻,搭配芋包一起吃正好。


Adam: We can try them together.

亚当: 我们一起去尝尝吧!


Li Mei: Let's do it.

李梅: 好的。


By Natalie Ng


[ Web editor:Robin Wang, Wu Jianhan    Source:Common Talk ]